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The HUB® program seeks to expand regional networks and collaboration between strategic partners in R + D + I, management, technology transfer and commercialization supporting economic diversification of the region through the incorporation of technologies in supply chains.

About the Hub
The program

Each year the program brings together more than 40 professionals, selected through a competitive process, who receive accelerated training of between one and two weeks, accompanied by mentors, experts and leaders from different regional Centers of Excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship.


Training topics include: intellectual property management; technology assessment; identification of markets; modalities of generation and expansion of companies; construction of vibrant ecosystems of innovation; investment and seed capital management as well as strategies to establish fruitful connections with universities, research centers and other actors in the public and private sectors.


The knowledge, examples and practical exercises shared during the HUB® are based on​​ real technologies that seek to solve existing problems in the communities of the Americas.

Network of 300+ graduates from 18 countries in the Americas

180 local and regional institutions trained

40+ accelerated technologies

98% of participants would recommend the program to their colleagues


The HUB offers two mentoring options

Through our partnership with the University of California at Riverside, HUB alumni can gain access to vast resources for networking, incubation, and capacity building.

The HUB mentor network is made up of  international experts from Centers of Excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship. Check here for the HUB mentor directory.

Mentor Directory
  • Mentor, Coordinador de Vinculación, Innovación y Transferencia

  • Mentora, Gerente de Excelencia en Proyectos, CODELCO-Chile